2022 Roster Judge Quick Guide to Processing Voters in Franklin County, Ohio (click here!)
I love working elections! So I took the 18+ pages of (non-sequential) instructions and procedure from my 243 page 2022 Ohio Primary election official training manual... And summarized it down to three pages.
“Working From Home or Hardly Working”
A summary of my initial research, user interviews, empathy mapping, affinity mapping, user personas, and further insights on my communities experience with remote work which lead to Buckit.
Final screens for Buckit, a productivity app I’ve developed to aid our ever-growing population of remote and hybrid workers.
Buckit Case Study
Buckit is a productivity app I’ve designed to help the ever-growing wave of new remote workers. We’ve combined the simplicity of a Pomodoro timer with a thoughtfully organized notes app to aid remote workers in two consistently self reported pain points: Addressing distractions and learning to take regular breaks.
Buckit Prototype
A brief overview and working prototype built in Figma showcasing our MVP’s and established red routes.
Preview of Roster Judge Quick Guide to Processing Voters I created for the Franklin County, Ohio 2022 Primary.